Only 5% of plastic is recycled, resulting in 8.9 million tons of pollution. Production of plastic bottles is drastically worse on our ozone. If everyone switched to cartons, we'd offset as much pollution as NYC generates monthly.
Aluminum cans are not sustainable
Aluminum cans are not sustainable
30% virgin aluminum
30% of aluminum cans are made with virgin aluminum which is not sustainable.
100% more carbon footprint
Aluminum has 200% more carbon footprint than Boxed Water due to its refining and smelting.
2:1 Impact
1 can of water is equal to the footprint of 2 cartons
Recycling isn't enough
We're producing more than we can sustainably manage. We need to analyze the effects of production on the environment.
- * SOURCE: A lusher, microplastics in the marine environment: distribution, interactions and effects, marine antrhropeogenic letter, 2015.
- * SOURCE: A lusher, microplastics in the marine environment: distribution, interactions and effects, marine antrhropeogenic letter, 2015.