Definition of a lifecycle assessment
table comparing boxed water carton, pet plastic bottle, and aluminum can
Process flow diagram for a Boxed Water carton
process flow diagram 500ml pet plastic bottle
process flow diagram 500ml aluminum can
Requirements of lifecycle assessment
Defining a Boxed Water cartonTitle slide of Impact Assessment
Definitions of impact assessment measurements
presentation of impact assessment
Table comparing impact of cartons to pet bottles and aluminum cans
chart showing higher ozone depletion from pet bottles than cartons or cans
chart showing higher global warming from aluminum cans than cartons or pet bottles
chart showing higher smog from aluminum cans than cartons or pet bottles
chart showing higher acidification from aluminum cans than cartons or pet bottles
chart showing higher eutrophication from pet bottles than cartons or aluminum cans
chart showing higher fossil fuel use from pet bottles than cartons or aluminum cans
summary of findings
table comparing outputs of cartons, pet bottles, and aluminum cans
normalized midpoint results
chart showing impact from primary packaging of pet bottles
chart showing impact from primary packaging of aluminum cans
chart showing impacts from filtration and filling of cartons
chart showing impacts at end of life of cartons
chart showing impacts at end of life of pet bottles
chart showing impacts at end of life of aluminum cans
title page for Interpretation of Results
Table comparing other types of plastic bottles
chart comparing Boxed Water carton impacts to plastic bottled water brands
Comments comparing a variety of types of plastic to cartons
Conclusions on impacts of plastic bottles compared to Boxed Water cartons
Comparing carbon footprint of cartons to other household items
Real-world examples of carbon "savings" switching from plastic bottles to cartons
Background date on Boxed Water