Take a read through our interview with Karen Young, Founder and CEO of OUI the People.
Can you share a little about yourself and what inspired you to start Oui the People?
I was born in Brooklyn and raised in Guyana, South America. My culture informs so much of what I wanted to share when I launched OUI the People as fragrance and bodycare was deeply rooted in my upbringing. I see OUI the People as a portal to not only care for bodies with better, more thoughtfully designed products, but to tell a cultural story that resonates with us all.
What role does hydration play in your personal wellness routine?
I'm a big tea drinker. Where I'm from, tea solves all issues, big and small so I always have many cups on hand. Whether hot or cold though, I live by lemon, a pinch of salt and a sliver of ginger in my water to start the day.
What does sustainability mean to you, and how does it influence your work and vision at Oui the People?
I grew up in a meager fashion, we didn't have much budget for niceties when I came back to Brooklyn. In Guyana, we lived very close to the land naturally so sustainability was a way of life. With OUI the People I'm so acutely aware of how much the beauty industry produces and pushes consumption as a result. We inherently make generous sizes in bodycare, so people toss products less frequently, and I work to source packaging that is easy to recycle and reuse. We're doing some work now on refills to determine whether it actually makes sense for the consumer and the planet.
What steps have you taken to make your wellness practice or lifestyle more
I stopped buying "things" to help my wellness practice and invested in experiences or time. Acupuncture and meditation to be exact.
What's one wellness trend or practice you think more people should embrace?
I'm currently on 256 consecutive days of meditation. Having meditated for years and struggling with consistency, I finally realized that I was having such a hard time because I had to build a perfect practice. I hit my stride when I found 10 minutes every morning to simply hold space for myself before everyone else.
What is something you're currently reading, watching, or listening to that inspires you?
Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza. I'm really into the stories of people who changed their lives and health outcomes by changing the way they processed emotions.