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Pedaling to Save the Planet: Boxed Water 'Clips in' With SoulCycle

SoulCycle studio with Boxed Water on counter

The news is in! SoulCycle riders are now hydrating with the most sustainable packaged water: our Boxed Water™ cartons. The premier boutique studio is expanding its sustainability efforts to include Boxed Water to help meet its aggressive 2024 climate goals.

By partnering with Boxed Water, SoulCycle will convert all packaged water in studios to our 92% plant-based carton. The timing is critical! Plastic recycling is on a decline - with only 5% of U.S.-made plastic getting recycled. 

Girl at the SoulCycle BARN in the Hamptons holding Boxed Water

"Our partnership with Boxed Water continues SoulCycle's commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2024. We are committed to sustainable products that align with our mission for environmental progress and offsetting our carbon impact. Community spirit is at the core of our experience and our brand. We have enough evidence and data to know we have a big climate 'climb' ahead of us," said Samantha Yeager, Director of Retail Supply Chain at SoulCycle. "Time to get up and out of our saddles in our efforts toward collective change."

SoulCycle's Green Initiatives

SoulCycle is leading the fitness community on the path towards climate neutrality. Through their partnership with the nonprofit Climate Neutral, they are working to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investing in energy efficiency, materials, green packaging, waste reduction and transportation across the entire business. 

Girl standing in front of SoulCycle New York City with Boxed Water

"It will take bold commitments from businesses like SoulCycle to right the ship on climate change. We couldn't be more excited about this partnership," said Boxed Water™ Chief Revenue Officer Robert Koenen. "Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do here at Boxed Water, and we are proud to support SoulCycle in their planet initiatives."

We’re enthusiastic about working with fitness studios that are reducing their plastic footprint, taking a holistic approach to wellness and creating a pathway toward sustainability. We'll cheers to that! 

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